Program 7 - Film / Media / Sound Performance
Light Matter is Curated by James Hansen
Sunday Nov. 3rd, 1:00 PM
Rebekkah Palov, The Planes Extended (Gold)
Live video editing and processing of video files in four sections. With audio accompaniment, real-time electro-acoustic improv performance. Video sources: handy-cam video. Audio sources: original mic recordings, pre-processed recordings, live audio and or sound synthesis.
K/S/R, "Already in Heaven"
World Premiere
The trio of Ben Kujawski, Abigail Smith, and Justin Rhody (all three co-founders of No Name Cinema), convene from their respective locales in Northern New Mexico and Upstate New York to conduct a multi-projector and live sound performance piece involving 16mm found footage, 35mm slides covered in living mold, prepared cassettes, violin, lapsteel, flute, electronics, accordion, guitar, and more. The trio has previously performed and given presentations at Other Cinema (San Francisco), Highlands University (Las Vegas), No Name Cinema (Santa Fe), Shapeshifters Cinema (Oakland), the University of New Mexico (Albuquerque), and the firehouse (Joshua Tree). K/S/R has also released three albums of audio recordings on the self-distributed Physical media label, and their music was recently featured on the legendary Coast to Coast AM radio program.
Carrier Band
Carrier Band is Peer Bode (live text with Bode vocoder); Andrew Deutsch (live mixing, electronics) Rebekkah Palov (live digital sounds, programming and mixing). Carrier Band was formed in 1998 when Pauline Oliveros (1932 – 2016), Peer Bode and Andrew Deutsch performed three improvisations at Alfred University. Carrier Band has released seven CDs on Deep Listening and IEA publications. For the Light Matters Film Festival Carrier Band will perform an improvisation with video culled from Peer Bode’s video archive along with quotes written in the note books of pioneering electronic instrument developer Harald Bode. The the performance will weave electronic sounds produced by Rebekkah Palov using her unique self programed digital sound system, Andrew Deutsch’s micro-compositions, and Peer Bode’s vocoding of poetry and other texts.